Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Tempest and The Road not Taken Essay Example

The Tempest and The Road not Taken Paper Journeys affect each individual in different ways; some are impacted monumentally while others go through events with little or no change. Through character development found in Shakespeares The Tempest as well as the inner conflict depicted through poetic techniques in Robert Frosts The Road not Taken, my understanding of the impact that journeys have has been shaped so that I now appreciate that through emotional and physical events, a deeper insight on life is developed. The Tempest focuses mainly on the emotional transformation of the protagonist Prospero, though other characters experience a change within themselves and how they perceive humanity. The fact that Prospero undergoes such a significant transformation whilst his brother, Antonio, seems untouched by the events and says nothing that hints at the smallest morsel of repentance shows that, though they are both submitted to similar circumstances, the journey has impacted them both in different ways. Although all the actions are aimed at showing the shipwrecked characters their faults, Antonio and Sebastians plot to kill their kind demonstrates that they are incapable of change and gives weight to Prosperos story, causing viewers to empathize with him. Comparisons and contrasts between personalities such as Gonzalo with his idealism and Antonio with his cynicism aid in the development of the characters and the ideas they present. We will write a custom essay sample on The Tempest and The Road not Taken specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Tempest and The Road not Taken specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Tempest and The Road not Taken specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The play is opened with a dramatic storm, symbolizing the political upheaval and imbalance caused by Prosperos brother, Antonio, and the King, Alonso, usurping his rightful position as Duke of Milan. The central plot to the play is Prosperos plan to seek revenge, his bitterness evident when he says to Ariel, with their high wrongs I am struck to thquick. Shakespeares use of magic illusion through the spirit Ariel allows the story to travel beyond the realm of the factual and makes use of imaginative journeys, giving the island a mysterious unknown quality which drives the plot. This, along with imagery through numerous adjectives watery arch assists in the creation of an imaginative atmosphere. The changes within Prospero are gradual but easily seen by his affections towards the relationship between his daughter Miranda and Alonsos only son, Ferdinand. His pity eventually leads to the total forgiveness (I do forgive thee/ unnatural as thou art) of the injustices delivered to him and his daughter 12 years prior. His honorable characteristics are highlighted with virtuous speech such as, Yet with my nobler reason gainst my fury/ do I take part. The rarer action is virtue than in vengeance. Prosperos emotional conflicts and personal journey concludes when he is restored his title and makes plans to return to Milan. Before he does this he forfeits his powers in a soliloquy, this rough magic/I now abjure and frees his followers Ariel and Caliban. He desires to once again live his old life and has realized power is not what is important. This shows a true alteration in him as a person. A different journey is depicted in the poem The Road not Taken. It shows inner conflict as well as the unpredictability of journeys when the narrator unexpectedly reaches a fork in the road. He is sorry I could not travel both as he cannot tell which leads on to a better journey (the other, just as fair), he is forced to make a decision on which path to follow-or, which seems to be more important, which path will not be followed. The fact that he cannot tell how the paths differ symbolizes the fundamental nature of fate and how the choice is given but what will ultimately happen due to our decision depends on providence. The narrator recalls long I stood/and looked down one as far as I could showing his reluctance, though in order to continue on with life, the traveler took the one that looked to be the one less traveled, though he soon finds out that that neither of the roads is less traveled by, the passing there/had worn them really about the same. The title of the poem being The Road Not Taken shows the value that the narrator puts, not in the choice he did make and live but the one that he lost, the one that he can forever wonder about but will never know. The entire poem is an analogy of life and the sudden twists and complications found within it. Frost uses a variety of techniques in order to effectively create this metaphorical and expressive journey. It is a strictly structured poem, following an ABAAB rhyming pattern using simple language, focusing more on the underlying message in the poem as well as word association and connotations of words, for example, the grassy path is associated with ease and comfort. Symbolism is found throughout the 4 stanzas, the yellow wood and the physical autumn changes symbolise the inner change occurring. The last stanza shows the narrator predicting he will be telling this with a sigh/somewhere ages and ages hence. It is neither positive nor negative as the poet himself is yet to find out and only knows that it was a life changing decision that has made all the difference. There is however a hint of remorse, not perhaps for the opinion of a wrong decision but that the decisions themselves have marked the passing of his life-something he will never be able to get back or relive again. Both these texts include journeys of all different forms, all of which have had varying impacts on the personas and readers. Prospero, who began with a bitterness of heart and desire for revenge saw that happiness lay in the forgiveness of his fellows and it was this change within him that allowed for the desirable ending that occurred. The traveler in The Road Not Taken was wizened by the experiences and decisions in life, represented in his physical journey through an autumn wood. Each character was changed in a different, unique way but each gained personal growth. This demonstrates that journeys have different impacts on different people, but it is only through these encounters and lessons that they can develop and expand their knowledge or understanding of the world.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How To Communicate Effectively With Your Blog Readers

How To Communicate Effectively With Your Blog Readers How about writing your blog posts in a language the majority of your readers dont speak or understand? Yet thats what we bloggers do, sometimes. We write in a way that doesnt communicate well with our readers. Its understandable, really. A  huge communication barrier writers face is that they cant tap into the power of non-verbal communication. We use tone of voice, gestures, and facial expressions to evaluate the meaning behind the words. We can tell if someone is being sarcastic, or is disinterested. But when the only communication tool you have is the written word, you have to learn to pull extra weight. Writers must learn to communicate clearly with their blog readers. Thats especially true if they want to keep their blog readers, and want those readers to do something. How To Communicate Effectively With Your #Blog Readers via @JulieNeidlinger1. Don't Assume People Understand Acronyms And Initialisms One of the more helpful habits I picked up as a newspaper reporter was the practice of always writing out the words that make up an acronym before referring to it only with the acronym in the rest of the article. You would include the acronym after the words, in parentheses, alerting the reader that from here on out, you'll just be using the acronym. Example: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content marketing copy can be full of acronyms. SEO, CTA- heck, I often stumble on a few that I don't know the meaning of. The field is changing so quickly, and buzzwords and phrases develop at a similar rate. I find if I'm not constantly reading blog posts on the topic, I am soon out of the loop. We've had readers who have asked, in the comments, what an acronym meant. They shouldn't have to do that. Even if you're certain your readers know what the acronym is, try to write it out the first mention so they don't have to feel stupid for not knowing. Don't make your readers guess what your acronyms mean. #blogging2. Don't Make Your Reader Feel Stupid I mention the importance of defining acronyms because they are a part of the way we make our readers feel stupid. This is not a good thing. We can make blog readers feel stupid by assuming they have the backstory, the background knowledge- it's being in a group and realizing you're the only one who doesn't get the inside joke. Don't assume your #blog readers know your backstory. It can alienate them from reading your content.You can help your blog reader avoid feeling stupid without having to re-explain yourself every time you blog by providing links to past posts that will help provide better background. We often include "recommended reading" or "for further reading" boxes in posts at appropriate places in the content. This way,  the reader has a kind of organized guided tour of the content that will bring them up to speed. Recommended Reading: The Communication Barriers You Put In Front Of Your Reader Whatever you can do to make your blog reader feel safe about asking or finding the information to fill in the blank spots will help you retain the reader in the long run. 3. Stop Over-Communicating For some of us, the fear of not communicating causes us to over-communicate. Why tell a story in five sentences when you can tell it in five paragraphs? I know this problem well, believe me. When trying to make a point, I want to be sure I hammer it home, and instead of using one concise example, I figure about ten will do. Sometimes explaining isn't necessary and weighs down the message. Over-explaining isn't necessary nearly every time. This can be true in both your blog copy as well as your responses on social media or in blog comments. Never complain. Never explain. - Katharine Hepburn The Brains On Fire blog shared a few tips to avoid over-communicating and, true to the point, they did not mince words: Wait. Don't respond immediately if you're involved in a conversation. Sleep on it. Time provides a new perspective. Figure out your one thing. If you were only allowed to say one thing, what would it be? Embrace silence. Silence is only uncomfortable for those who have not taken the time to understand it. Breathe. Don't fill the air with talking and noise. Don't fill the screen with meaningless words. Allow you and your reader to breathe. 4. Use Imagery That Has A  Purpose Content marketers know the drill: Have a hero image with all content because images will get noticed and shared more. Unfortunately, that can lead to sloppy image choices just to have an image. Ask yourself if the image or images you are going to use serve a purpose: Does the image contradict the message of the content in any way? Does the image help illustrate the message of the content? Am I using too many images in my copy? Images that contradict what the post is about are like clickbait headlines. They lie. They annoy readers. Your images should support your copy without distracting and making it difficult to read. Images should support your content  without distracting. #blogging5. Emotion Is For The Reader To Feel Because you do not have the ability to show your reader the emotion you are feeling through your facial expressions or tone of voice, you have a bit more work to do to get them to feel the emotion you want from them. Think of a movie or show that makes you tear up. The music, the dialogue, the way the characters are behaving- these all help cue up sad feelings. When I write this post, I can tell you up and down that there's a soundtrack in a minor key playing, but it won't help. So I have to use words that trigger particular feelings. In the March 25, 2015, edition of the Wall Street Journal, an article highlighted how the words used on restaurant menus were aimed at attracting male or female diners. "The word 'hearty' is not a good thing for a woman," she says, "but it's a great thing for a man." Meanwhile, a dish described as "delicate" is likely to be a turnoff to a man craving meat. If a menu describes a meat entree by naming specific animal parts, it is apt to sound gory and unappetizing to many women, Dr. Capaldi Phillips says. Like a space-starved tweet on Twitter, the restaurant menus have to find the words that stir the emotion in the diner. They can't waste space and time telling the diner how they will feel if they eat it. You can tell your blog reader she should feel really good and excited about  your blog post, but telling people how to feel is the best way to get them to feel... nothing. Even if you feel excited, your copy won't necessarily translate that well without work. The reader feels the emotion, not you. Don't tell her how to feel. #bloggingThe reader feels the emotion, not you. Don't tell her how to feel. 6.  Approach  Your Thesis Honestly In most cases, your blog posts begin with a thesis or problem, and then the rest sets about solving or supporting that thesis. Lack of research and logical fallacies can become a problem in some posts that  are contentiously asserting a strong opinion or plan of action. Logical fallacies crop up everywhere online, particularly in heated discussions among random people. When you have a lot riding on proving your point, it's easy to take any shot you can, even if it's a low shot. Frankly, I slip into logical fallacies all the time. Periodically reading about them and practicing the identification of them is helpful to me in my own writing as well as spotting them elsewhere. There are so many of these logical fallacies, and they are so common online and on TV (just watch any episode of The Daily Show) that we are used to hearing them to the point that they become a way we think. They often sound clever and we struggle to contradict or disprove them. When you set out to state a theory and prove a point, be honest about it. If you cannot prove your theory with great research or reasoning, it doesn't mean you can't still write. You simply must write in a way that doesn't try to insinuate and insist that your theory is solid. Avoid logical fallacies to build credible content. #bloggingThe more concrete data you have to back up your thesis  (and the ability to interpret that data accurately), the better. If you're not a data junkie, though, you can still write. The difference will be in the ability to say "green is the best color" or "green is the color I prefer". 7. Clarity Is For More Than Just Diamonds Clarity is the god of writing. Clearly stating your goal. Clearly stating your thesis. Clearly telling your reader what to do. Clearly proving a point. Clearly summing up research and outside links for the reader who decides to trust and not verify. Do you know what the best indicator is for a blog post that won't get to the point? It's a blog post where you don't actually know the point. One of the nice things about using as a team is that there is the ability to discuss and comment on the idea of the post before it actually goes into draft. That way, I know before I write where I am headed. Sometimes it veers. Sometimes I can make that work. But I always have an end goal in mind to work toward. "I'm gonna write about writing" is not a useful thought to have in mind when headed into a 2,000 word blog post. Clarity is achieved through great editing, great language- all of the usual suspects- but it's also heavily reliant on a close-ended idea. You know where you want to go. You write in that direction. You get there. 8. Think Of Reader's Digest Reader's Digest has been popular for more than  80 years. While it might not make prestigious lists, this little magazine has made its way into homes for almost a century and has brought with it stories and articles of all types. I grew up in a house that received Reader's Digest, and I would read it cover to cover, from when I was young until I was an adult. How did this magazine communicate so well across such a broad range of readers? According to Internet Evangelism Today, you can break down their success as follows: It is written at the level of a 13-year-old, but does not talk down to adults. It has a high percentage of stories that are about people. These stories are told dramatically, and use plenty of quoted speech. It addresses practical problems (felt needs), helping improve people's lives. There is humor mixed in with serious articles. How can you use this in your own blog content? Can you add people into your posts through testimonials or anecdotes? Are you addressing practical problems? Do you have a little humor mixed in? People like people. People like solutions to problems. People like to laugh. Simple as that. How Will You Communicate Better With Your Blog Readers? This is by no means the end-all list of how to communicate with readers in your writing, and you might not even put all of them to use in one post. I'm willing to bet many of you have your own tricks and tips. What do you consider to be the most problematic writing technique that keeps readers from latching onto content? And, what do you think is the best way to communicate with your blog readers? As a reader myself, I choke on posts that seem too similar or too salesy. I want to feel that what I am reading is genuine and not contrived for my benefit. I don't want to feel stupid and, consequently, excluded. I want to feel like I'm reading a blog where I belong, where the author is talking to people like me. These tips are just a few ways I try to do that in my own writing.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Gold Rushes

The Gold Rushes What could be more American than the gold rush? Well, here are four of them. Californias was not the first nor the last. Earlier Gold Rushes While the 1849 Gold Rush is the one we capitalize, it was not the first gold rush. That one happened in North Carolina starting in 1803.  Not even coin collectors may know about that one, because unlike later gold rushes no federal mint was established there at the time. Nevertheless, all of Americas gold coinage from 1804 to 1828 was Carolina gold, shipped to Philadelphia for minting. The next gold rush happened in the hills of Georgia in 1828, in Cherokee country near the town of Dahlonega. A mint was duly established there, and the original D mint mark is found on coins from 1838 to 1861. A gold museum is there today, and historical markers around Lumpkin County point out mine after extinct mine. Another mint opened in Charlotte at this time to serve the mature gold mines of the Carolinas. The California Gold Rush Were all taught that early in 1848, on the 24th of January, James Marshall found gold nuggets in the flume of the water-driven mill he was building in Coloma, California Territory. The news took a while to build steam, but once it did California was swiftly transformed, and the Forty-Niner entered the worlds folklore. The Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park site has a good summary of the events of that day. There were parallels between Georgia and California. Hordes of outsiders poured in, stripped the land of the easy gold, and pushed out the original inhabitants. Soon the romantic- and destructive- prospectors and panners gave way to organized mining firms, which won the bulk of the wealth. A federal mint was established in both states to turn the gold dust into legal tender- Dahlonegas turned out gold coinage with the D mint mark until the Civil War began, and San Franciscos still makes specimen coins today with the S mark. (The original San Francisco mint is a cherished landmark building that survived the 1906 earthquake and fire, safeguarding its supply of money and helping fund the recovery.) Later Gold Rushes Lesser gold rushes over the next half-century left their traces elsewhere in the American West, in Nevada, Oregon, Colorado and Utah. The Colorado gold rush began in 1859, and many former Forty-Niners, themselves former twenty-eighters, set up diggings there. More natives were displaced, and another mint arose in Denver (again with the D mark) that still operates today. Some old coins bear a CC from the short-lived mint in Carson City, Nevada, which was not just a gold rush but a silver rush. But the classic gold rush ended with the turn of the century, starting in 1898 in the Klondike district of the Canadian Yukon and neighboring Alaska. This is the one that Charlie Chaplin reenacted in the movie The Gold Rush. Modern mining companies moved in quicker than ever, and the days of amateur gold hunters striking it rich ended. (North Ontarios major gold rush in 1910, for instance, was a fast-moving corporate affair.) By Chaplins time, just a generation later, history had become farce. Instead, gold-rush history has become a kind of pay dirt, and sites all over the Web serve up choice nuggets about the Klondikes glory days. Today the real money in gold belongs to serious miners, guided by serious geologists. Thus geology, the most practical science, creates the worlds wealth, and that is why the seal of the U.S. Geological Survey features mining tools. Some companies still work the old gold-rush grounds, but most of the diggings are anonymous waste lands today. PS: Many gold rush localities are fondly maintained today as attractive destinations for visitors and tourists. Try these: Columbia, CaliforniaCoos Canyon, MaineKlondike, AlaskaOld Sacramento, CaliforniaSkagway, AlaskaWickenburg, Arizona

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Commercial Success Storyboard Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Commercial Success Storyboard - Assignment Example The target audience for the product is smokers between the ages of 18-42. A commercial campaign for this product should be run in the primetime hours of 8:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. The commercial should be aired at a time when there is maximum audience in order to reach more people. The firm should select a program that is popular and that is watched by a broad audience. A good show for the company to purchase commercial time on is America’s Got Talent broadcasted by NBC. America’s Got Talent is in the entertainment competition category. The show is aired Tuesdays at 8:00 P.M. eastern. This show is a good candidate because people of all ages and backgrounds watch this show. The creative approach that will be used to attract customers is by emphasizing on three elements: coolness factor, sex appeal, and convenience of the product. A celebrity guest will be included in the commercial. The 30 second commercial that will be prepared for The Electronic Cigarette Company wi ll be delivered using the broadcasting services of NBC. NBC is considered one of the market leaders among national television stations. Despite being one of the market leaders NBC has very reasonable pricing in comparison with the competition.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

John Locke and property righs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

John Locke and property righs - Essay Example This position allowed Rawls to address two contemporary issues that are equally important but also tend oppose each other’s views: freedom and equality. The Rawlsian theory of justice is influenced by Hume’s philosophy with its critique of justice, that which prioritizes conventions and universal meaning (Forbes, 1985, 68). Hume talked about artificial justice and Rawls coined the so-called artificial device or the â€Å"original position†, which is used to determine justice. It also takes inspiration from Kantian principles, which emphasize moral nobility and the complexity and richness of human life and experience. The beauty of Rawls’ philosophy is its simplicity. The challenge of including the interests of the whole or the large number as well as those of the individual’s was addressed assuming a degree of ignorance in order to attain a desired fairness. It first rejects everything in order to get to the bottom of fairness, and justice is then d etermined. What this means is that similar crimes would have different resolutions because the conditions and parties in each crime are different. Also, there are crimes that in traditional justice could easily be punished because it fits a conventional mold. Let us suppose that a man is accused of racism because he calls someone a Negro, along with several derogatory remarks. Rawlsian philosophy does not jump into conclusion and, instead, tries to understand the situation according to several approaches and involves the reflection on several case-specific variables. The â€Å"original position† is the first of these and the second is what Rawls referred to as â€Å"reflective equilibrium†. In explaining the concept, Rawls (1999) stated that â€Å"justification is a matter of the mutual support of many considerations, of everything fitting together into one coherent view† (19). This approach to justice is radically different from the current system used in most societies. However, it depicts a framework that indicate a highly effective process because it determines and metes out justice within the context of the circumstances of the parties involved. This aspect covers the many different conceptions and interpretations of justice. For instance, retributive justice emphasizes the proportionality of the punishment to the crime committed so that it is not greater or lesser than the harm perpetuated. There is also the case of restorative justice, which follows a more benign framework, focusing on â€Å"healing† as the more preferable outcome for all stakeholders involved including the victim and the offender. Rawlsian philosophy breaks through the differences of these other theories by identifying the fundamental variable in determining justice and work its way from there. By focusing on fairness and the contexts behind actions, Rawls was able to develop a more inclusive model. While Rawlsian philosophy has earned accolades and recognit ion, it also has its share of criticisms. One of the most important is his focus on the individual. For example, if a system of justice will follow the â€Å"reflective equlibrium model† there are those who point out that it would involve several judgments and doctrines based on different backgrounds of those involved, resulting to an almost infinite number of equlibria (Maffettone, 2010, 139). The critics come from all philosophical inclinations. There are those coming from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ecommerce Initiative Essay Example for Free

Ecommerce Initiative Essay This paper focuses on pointing out the way planning electronic commerce initiatives. In order to support the ideas that are going to be shown, four online articles will be cited. The articles are: Ethics in advertising by Dr. Gomathi Viswanathan, Advertising Regulation – How to avoid inciting the FTC’s wrath by Jay N. Sawyer, and New Online Marketing Regulation – The dos and don’ts by Alan J. Grainger. E-commerce initiatives Planning electronic commerce initiatives: There are steps that one should follow when planning for the e-business initiatives when one is using markets, processes, services and products that already exist. The first step is to come up with the e-business initiative objectives which are the accomplishments that the business intends to meet. The decisions about the objectives that the business should consider includes the risks that may arise when the initiative is being carried out and the expected costs and benefits of carrying out the initiative. The objective should also consider the way resources are to be allocated when carrying out the initiative (Schneider, 2011). One should also analyze the scope that the initiative functions and this involves the use of online specialists that would help in the implementation of the electronic commerce initiative. This should involve the use of the data analytics and also the visual designers, people who will be involved in the interaction design and information design. One should also involve the use of specialists in marketing channel who would help in ensuring that the initiative is well promoted through the best marketing channel. The organization should invest in the important functions that would help in promoting the online business (Mckenzie, n. d). The team carrying out the initiative should have good communication channels that would help the organization to meet their objectives and to promote change in the organization. The team should have strong leaders that would help push for the implementation of the initiative and those that will ensure teamwork so as to meet the set deadline. The leaders should be able to report problems that arise during the planning period so as to prevent faults that would affect the online business (Mckenzie, n. d). The business processes, planning and implementation should be integrated and they should all be carried out online. It is also important to come up with a plan that would help the team members perform their tasks depending on the set plan. The organization should also ensure that they are able to retain the employees because there is a great demand for the people with talents in digital retail. This is because most of the consumers prefer shopping online and therefore, most businesses prefer using electronic business. Most of the companies have come up with electronic commerce initiatives and therefore when one is planning for this initiative, it is important to hire qualified personnel that will help provide ideas for competitive advantage (Mckenzie, n. d). When carrying out the plan, the team should include the performance review, deployment, testing of the initiative, implementation and feasibility analysis. The company should also make the initiative a priority and there should also be the analysis of how sustainable the initiative should be regarding the benefits it will provide. The managers should use the needs of the customers so as to ensure that their needs are met when planning is taking place and also it would help the company to identify the type of market segment to focus on the plan should be one that ensures that products that are offered are delivered on time and that there should be the best way to respond to the consumer queries (Muylle Basu, 2007). The people using e-commerce can also form joint ventures if they plan to carry out business online. People believe that these associations help in reducing costs of marketing and ensure that integrity and trust exists when carrying out business. People tend to rely on external and internal resources in maintaining and developing resources that are web-based. Associations that are more mature involve strategic partners and the core staff. Joint ventures are important in e-commerce because they encourage financial investment and competencies such as marketing, management and technology. It is therefore important for the organization to analyze the competitors before forming the associations (Lang, 2000). The organization should also identify and measure the benefits of initiating electronic commerce and that the managers should carry out the measurements by setting objectives that can be measured and the ones that that can increase the satisfaction of customers. In case the objective of the company is to build their brand, then the goals should be measured in terms of opinion polls and surveys from research that has been carried out. The aim of this is to increase the companys brand awareness. The company should come up with a team to carry out market research so as to find out the effects of a sales program and a marketing program. This team would help the organization to evaluate and to set goals for the initiatives of electronic commerce (Schneider, 2011). The company should also link the strategies with the objectives such as upstream and downstream strategies that would help the organization to focus on generating value and reducing costs and to improve value offered to customers. The initiatives inspire businessmen to carry out activities such as building web portals and virtual communities and also to manage the supply chain. The businesses are also inspired to purchase services and products, understand the needs of the consumers, and advertise their products and also to sell their services and products. These initiatives also help in improving the marketing programs that already exist and create brand awareness for the organization (Schneider, 2011).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Compare how Shakespeare and Hardy present situations where their characters’ love and relationships are influenced by the need to uphold appearances within society, with particular reference to Othello and Tess of the d’Urbervilles This essay will explore the social interactions between characters, the effects of appearance on their relationships and how this drives them to make certain decisions. This includes how the claustrophobia of their society is portrayed and its effects through form, style and literary techniques. All four texts explore the conflict between public and private selves. In Othello , Shakespeare reveals the taboo surrounding an interracial sexual relationship between a black man and a white woman during the Sixteenth Century. In Hardy’s Nineteenth Century novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles , we see the clash between sexuality, laws and codes of the time. I will compare these texts to The Franklin’s Tale and Pride and Prejudice , looking at how the rigid codes of courtly love impact on male and female behaviour within relationships and how the social and cultural attitudes and values of Regency England influence young women in their marriage choices. In both primary texts, the parents of the main characters struggle with the practice of exogomein and endogomein. In Othello, Brabantio adopts a motherly role, guiding Desdemona towards an acceptable marriage. Yet the marriage she chooses is exogamous. Brabantio sees through Othello’s high rank, royal blood and Christianity, casting a shadow over the relationship between Othello and his daughter due to Othello’s skin colour, unacceptable within that Venetian society. Desdemona lives within a patriarchal society and is objectified and commodified. Brabantio strugg... ...entally to mete out her demise. Empathy is felt for her as she realises self-worth is the polar opposite to the superficiality of social standing. She finds peace of mind and is reunited with Angel, when Hardy tears her away with death, typical of tragedy. Othello’s military role and social worth do not majorly affect his relationship. Instead, Iago’s ruthless self-interest in enhancing his own appearance within society and disinterest in the welfare of others, kindles the doubt between Othello and Desdemona. The relationships that collapse are those of the characters whose judgments fail them as another controls them. From the study of these two texts and reference to Pride and Prejudice and The Franklin’s Tale, we can now see that it is more strength of self and mind, than efforts to uphold an appearance, which affects love and relationships within all the texts. Essay -- Compare how Shakespeare and Hardy present situations where their characters’ love and relationships are influenced by the need to uphold appearances within society, with particular reference to Othello and Tess of the d’Urbervilles This essay will explore the social interactions between characters, the effects of appearance on their relationships and how this drives them to make certain decisions. This includes how the claustrophobia of their society is portrayed and its effects through form, style and literary techniques. All four texts explore the conflict between public and private selves. In Othello , Shakespeare reveals the taboo surrounding an interracial sexual relationship between a black man and a white woman during the Sixteenth Century. In Hardy’s Nineteenth Century novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles , we see the clash between sexuality, laws and codes of the time. I will compare these texts to The Franklin’s Tale and Pride and Prejudice , looking at how the rigid codes of courtly love impact on male and female behaviour within relationships and how the social and cultural attitudes and values of Regency England influence young women in their marriage choices. In both primary texts, the parents of the main characters struggle with the practice of exogomein and endogomein. In Othello, Brabantio adopts a motherly role, guiding Desdemona towards an acceptable marriage. Yet the marriage she chooses is exogamous. Brabantio sees through Othello’s high rank, royal blood and Christianity, casting a shadow over the relationship between Othello and his daughter due to Othello’s skin colour, unacceptable within that Venetian society. Desdemona lives within a patriarchal society and is objectified and commodified. Brabantio strugg... ...entally to mete out her demise. Empathy is felt for her as she realises self-worth is the polar opposite to the superficiality of social standing. She finds peace of mind and is reunited with Angel, when Hardy tears her away with death, typical of tragedy. Othello’s military role and social worth do not majorly affect his relationship. Instead, Iago’s ruthless self-interest in enhancing his own appearance within society and disinterest in the welfare of others, kindles the doubt between Othello and Desdemona. The relationships that collapse are those of the characters whose judgments fail them as another controls them. From the study of these two texts and reference to Pride and Prejudice and The Franklin’s Tale, we can now see that it is more strength of self and mind, than efforts to uphold an appearance, which affects love and relationships within all the texts.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis of the Sam Shepard’s Play Buried Child Essay

In my paper I am going to analyze one of the Sam Shepards play. Its name sounds depressive but it completely fulfils the main idea of the play – Buried Child. From the information I read about the author I deduced that he wrote it on the basis of his own personal experience in his childhood. Sam Shepard grew up on the farm in California and was a member of a broken family because his father was an alcoholic. The play was firstly produced in the year 1978. From this and from the story itself implies my presumption that the whole story is set in the 1970’s when the USA was in a hard economic situation caused by the war in Vietnam. To be more concrete it is set in Illinois on the farm where nothing grow anymore. I think that only through the description of the characters you would be able to see the main points of why I titled my work American Nightmare. Dodge is supposed to be the head of the family but he is broken by things that happened in the past. He is an old dying man and he is paranoiac but he has a reason to be. He is considered poor man whom doesn’t like even his family. He failed in building his American Dream because his family is no more working and the farm he built up many years ago is left without any interest. He left everything after the biggest secret of the family happened. He killed his wife’s son but not without reason, as his son Tilden in the play says, â€Å"He said he had his reasons . . . He’s the only one who knows where it’s buried.† (Shepard 104) The reasons I found out in the text were that she, Halie, had the baby with another man. There are some hints which led me to think that the man might have been Tilden, her own son. Then it would have been much worse because the act of incest is totally against the modern society. We don’t know the background, how everything happened, if Halie was raped by her son or he was seduced by his mother. Nevertheless killing the baby was no solution because the family fell apart anyway. Halie, the only women in the family, is the one who tries to have a normal life but it is full of hypocrisy and fear of that other will find out the family secret. Interesting is that even though Dodge killed her son she lives and communicates with him like nothing happened. Even though it is obvious that she is having an affair with a Protestant minister Father Dewis. This is also an irony because he should be a symbol of temperate life. Instead of that he drinks alcohol and seduces women. In the play I feel that the fear  of not being relieved have everyone in the family. They made a deal that they won’t talk about the past and they are hoping that they will simply forget. Halie’s only light in the life was her son Ansel who was murdered in a motel room after m arrying a Catolic Italian girl. Halie hated that girl from the beginning and she argued that she was a â€Å"Devil incarnate† (Shepard 74). Ansel had no time to go bad so he looks like an ideal son in Halies eyes. She is so obsessed with him that she wants to unveil his statue. She remembers him as a son who played basketball and was a soldier, a hero, an All-American. In her monologues then we can find the importance of doing some sport in youth and being a Protestant. The character of Tilden is very interesting and mysterious for me. He is the oldest son and he was supposed to take care of the family, the parents, which is matter of fact in the American Dream (children should take care of their parents). Nevertheless he got into trouble somewhere in New Mexico, maybe he was kept in prison, because he returned back to his parents’ house after 20 years completely broken, especially mentally. His liberty had to be taken away from him because in one of his monologues about driving he described how it was like to have a car, which is also one of the symbols of American independence: I drove all day long sometimes. Across the desert . . . I drove past towns. Anywhere. Past palm trees. Lightning. Anything I would drive through it. I would drive through it and I would stop and I would look around and I would drive on . . . There was nothing I loved more. Nothing I dreamed of was better than driving. (Shepard 102) Freedom is defined in American Ways as â€Å"the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government† (Datesman, Crandall, Kearny 33) and exactly this was in Tilden’s life broken. He was in prison and he is under the control of his parents now. Also his brother Bradley is not independent due to the accident where he lost his leg. With the character of Bradley I connected one question: Why he could live and the other baby not? Because from the story it is obvious that Bradley also isn’t Dodges son. The only solution I have is that the murdered baby really had to be a birth from incest. The only light in the story, at least at the beginning, is Shelly. She came to visit his boyfriends grandparents house and she had the typical American,  that means ideal, image of how it would be like: â€Å"I thought it was going to be turkey dinners and apple pie and all that kinda stuff.† (Shepard 91) Obviously she was confused from all these people in the house and she was the one who forced them to talk about things. Nevertheless it was to much for her and she left the house and her boyfriend Vince. To be honest there were some symbols in the play I didn’t understand. For example the act of symbolic Dodges burying on the end of the two acts. The only thing that came up my mind was that his sons blame him from everything and they think that killing the baby was the main reason why the family fall apart. In my opinion that’s not true because each member of that family has his own guilt. Another mystery for me is the character of Vince, Tilden’s son. I didn’t get the message of his character especially at the end of the play where, after Dodge is dead, he puts on Dodges cap and lay down on the couch, totally out of his mind. Maybe he was so shocked and ashamed of the family secret that he just adopted to the fact and started to live the same life as his grandfather lived. The play perfectly describes the opposite of the American Dream which is the life goal of most Americans and it also shows what a big difference is â€Å"between idealism and reality.† (Datesman, Crandall, Kearny 34)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Male and Female expectations in a Relationship

Relationships are an integral part of human beings especially given the fact that human beings are social beings who need love, care and recognition.   The quality of relationship couples as well as members of the opposite sex have, has been found to have an impact on one’s health (Jamieson, 1998).   Human beings show the need for affection and healthy relationships from an early age in life.   As early as childhood, toddlers get attracted to their mothers or caregivers.   This makes the toddler to feel threatened if separated from the parents. Surprisingly, this attraction to people and the need for ‘others’ never change and goes on in life throughout all the developmental stages.   As early as the adolescence developmental stage, boys and girls exhibit feelings of attraction to each other.   Although some go into denial and opt to suppress the feelings for the opposite sex, the attraction and the craving for the other sex is usually very high.   Eventually many realize that female-male relationships are inevitable. Questions as to what expectations both parties have for each other as well as from the relationship are to date a subject for debate. There are many expectations each party expects of the relationship and the expectations are largely shaped by environmental conditions although the role played by genetical factors cannot be underestimated.   Most of the expectations however arise out of social and cultural influence. As men and women grow up, they are taught by the society on how to carry themselves in relationships as well as what to expect from their partners.   While some societies expect relationships to remain autonomous, in the past society played a very crucial role.   In some societies, males expect women to bear them children for purposes of posterity.   In such relationships, a female is respected on the basis of her ability to sire children for the man. Any female who is not capable of siring children is discriminated against and treated with dishonor. As such, a barren woman risks being branded an outcast and a social misfit.   In some cultures, the man expects sexual satisfaction from the woman they are in a relationship with.   Women who cannot sexually satisfy their men are abused and in some cases divorced or neglected.   Modernity has changed the expectations men expect of women and vice versa, as the focus in relationship shifts from the need for procreation to the need for caring and loving partners. Fidelity ranks highly in relationships.   According to (Jamieson, 1998) 80% females in relationships consider fidelity as the most important factor in relationships with 40% of the females saying that they would quit a relationship if they found out a partner was cheating on them.   90% of men consider fidelity as the most important factor in relationships compared to 80% of women who consider fidelity as the most important factor. Asked on whether they would quit a relationship on basis of unfaithfulness of a partner, 85% of the men said that they would quit a relationship on the basis of fidelity.   The study concluded that, fidelity ranks highly amongst expectations in female and male relationships.   Other factors, which the study found to form basis of expectations in a relationship, include; care, love, financial support, sexual satisfaction as well as respect (Jamieson, 1998).   While the above expectations apply to both men and women, some expectations are cited more often by males than females and vice versa. For instance, females in relationships are more likely to expect financial support or help form their male partners.   This can be explained in a number of ways but most importantly, cultural and social factors are at play here.   In most societies, women were purposely seen as useful only for reproductive jobs (which are not salaried) (Jamieson, 1998).   By being subjected to heavy work loads such as cultivation in family gardens, most women especially housewives were left with no steady source of income and were therefore left with no choice but to depend on males with whom they had entered into relationships for financial help.   This puts females at a disadvantage in a relationship as they are wrongly viewed as dependent on their men. In some cases males end up dominating over the females on this basis as males take the role of ‘breadwinner’ and the females that of ‘caregivers’.   This labeling takes place regardless of the fact that, the woman is also a ‘breadwinner’ in the sense that the domestic chores the woman is allocated such as looking after children as well as taking the children to school are important but it is the society which has chosen to give them less prominence. Therefore, women’s reproductive work is not considered as work and is considered as less important by the society and the men in particular. Variations in male-female expectations in a relationship also result from cultural beliefs.   In some communities, women are labelled as the weaker sex.   Such categorization leads to variation in roles and expectations.   With exception of very few relationships, females and males are not equal in a relationship. In most cases, male dominance is manifested in relationships. Females are expected to be submissive and to give in or compromise their opinions or decisions in cases where important decisions are to be made affecting the relationship.   In other relationships, female dominance is experienced.   This is usually common in cases where women have financial independence and therefore have a fallback position. For such women, moving out of relationships for reasons such as abuse in the relationship by the partner or irreconcilable differences existing between partners in the relationship is the common response. In female dominated relationships, expectations for both parties are likely to be different from those of a male dominated relationship.   In such relationships, males expect financial support from the women.   Males also expect sex from the females but they are more likely to adhere to consensual terms or the decisions of the female.   In female dominated relationships, females expect obedience form the male especially in cases whereby the females are the providers (Jamieson, 1998). Females in such relationships also expect other needs of a relationship such as respect, love, and care.   For most relationships, expectations change from time to time an also on the prevailing conditions. Loss of a job for either the male or the female partner may influence the balance of power in the relationship.   For instance, if the male has been the decision maker in a relationship and ends up losing the status of a bread-winner, expectations for the females are affected especially due to the fact that most expectations are pegged on financial ability of either partner. Conclusion Female and male relationships are complex and understanding of expectations both male and females have of each other is a daunting task.   The fact that relationships are both dynamic and situational further complicates the nature of relationships.   However, as discussed in the main body of this paper, social, environmental and cultural factors influence greatly what females and males expect out of a relationship. Reference Jamieson, L. (1998) Intimacy. Personal Relationships in Modern Societies, Cambridge: Polity Press.      

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Art and Philosophy essays

Art and Philosophy essays Our ancestors first sought to understand themselves and their surroundings through the invention of myths and the worshipping of gods. The Greeks, for example, created gods like Athena and Aries to explain the concept of wisdom and war respectively. I would like to think, contrary to common thought, that this is not a matter of ignorance but of an answering of a basic primal need in humans that still exists today the need for symbolism, for the human mind is weak and needs constantly to be reminded of what they value most ideals and emotions. That is what set the stage for art, whose purpose lies in exploring what man thought and felt. But the limitless capabilities of man, like a fast spreading disease, is so shocking that the boundless expansion of art is quickly making it necessary for man to attempt to define it in order to gain control of, and understand it. Already, the history of art in the 19th century alone has seen movements like realism and impressionism that challenges, time and again, what can be perceived as the notion of art. The underlying concern is that very soon art will not exist, because art is like a garden; though the flowers have to be allowed to bloom freely, a lack of attention and tending after would most certainly result in a tangled mess of overgrown weeds and undergrowth. Over time, you may very well get yourself a jungle! It is therefore imperative that we understand what art is. In the meantime, though, art is still present, at every point of time, in a myriad of different forms to different people. This means not just the different categories of art and its accompanying styles, but also how each individual chooses to interpret a piece of artwork that is presented to them. For example, L.H.O.O.Q by Marcel Duchamp, the key figure of 20th century art movement, Dadaism, may be understood by one group of people as a mockery of classical beauty, of which some would commend and others d...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Watt Surname Meaning and Origin

Watt Surname Meaning and Origin The Watt  surname derives from early forms of the personal name Walter. The popular Middle English given names Wat and Watt were pet forms of the name Walter, meaning powerful ruler or ruler of the army, from the elements wald, meaning rule, and heri, meaning army. Watt is the 80th most common surname in Scotland. Surname Origin:  Scottish,  English Alternate Surname Spellings: WATTS,  WATTE,  WATTIS, WATS  See also WATSON. Where Do People with the Watt Surname Live According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the last name Watts is most common in Wales, especially Pembrokeshire, as well as Somerset, Gloucester, and Northampton counties in England. The Watt spelling (without the s) is much more common in Scotland, as well as County Tyrone in Northern Ireland. Both names are also popular in Australia and New Zealand. Interestingly, the Watt spelling is more common in the Canada, while Watts is found more frequently in the United States. Surname distribution data from Forebears also puts Watt as most frequently found in Scotland. In 1881 the name was most commonly found in Banffshire where it ranked 5th, as well as East Lothian (#11), Aberdeenshire (#20) and  Kincardineshire (#21). In contrast, the Watts surname is more common in Wales (#128), England (#139), Australia (#151), New Zealand (#252) and the United States (#323) than it is in Scotland, where it ranks 692nd most common. Famous People with the Watt Surname James Watt - Inventor of the modern steam engine- NFL football playerAndrà © Watts - German pianistCharlie Watts - English drummer, best known for being part of the  famed rock n roll group The Rolling StonesReggie Watts - German-born musical comedianIsaac Watts -  English Christian minister, hymn writer and theologian; author of the Christmas hymn Joy to the World Genealogy Resources for the Surname Watt 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Watt/Watts/Watson Family Reconstruction ProjectOver 150 group members belong to this Y-DNA surname project, working together to combine DNA testing with traditional genealogy research to sort out Watt, Watts and Watson ancestral lines. Watt Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Watt family crest or coat of arms for the Watson surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   WATT Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Watt surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Watt query. FamilySearch - WATT GenealogyAccess over 8 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Watt surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WATT Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Watt surname. You can also browse or search the list archives to explore previous postings for the Watt surname. - WATT Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Watt. The Watt Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Watt from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia.  Bergenfield, NJ:  Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings.  Chicago:  Polish Genealogical Society, 1993. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow.  Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

US Immigration Policy And How It Affects US Economy Research Paper

US Immigration Policy And How It Affects US Economy - Research Paper Example The first legal regulations for immigration into the US were targeting the Asian community, with the first being the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, under the administration of President Chester A. Arthur (Soennichsen 67). According to the law, regulations were in place to prohibit Chinese citizens from immigrating into the US on any conditions. There was further amendment to the law, enabling it to remain in effect until the Second World War. Part of the Chinese Exclusion Act was against the immigration of â€Å"idiots, lunatics, and convicts† into the US population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was part of a long-standing anti-Chinese sentiment since their immigration into the country during the gold rush era. The act was initially set to ban the immigration of the Chinese citizens for the ten-year duration but was extending it indefinitely in 1904. During the gold rush era, most Chinese citizens fled to form their country in search of employment opportunities from their failing economy. There was looming poverty, and the free entry to the US provided an opportune chance for them to escape poverty. On arrival to the country, the Chinese immigrants became an exploited labour force for the Americans, notably the California natives. The â€Å"small† wages they were receiving from the Americans was relatively high in comparison to their 1850s economy. Most of the Chinese became miners, while others ventured into the laundry business (especially in San Francisco where the business was lucrative ).