Sunday, January 26, 2020
Behaviorist Lesson Plan
Behaviorist Lesson Plan Anticipatory Set (focus) the teacher will put the short story the tortoise and the hare up on the overhead for all the children to read (most children will already know this story), the teacher will then ask the students to describe what they feel the moral of the story is. Students will be required to tell the teacher what their idea of the moral of the story is. Once students have expressed their ideas, the teacher will go on to explain what the moral of the story is meant to be. This will involve the methods of demonstration and discussion. Purpose (objective) The purpose of the lesson is that the teacher will show children how to make their own points about articles and pictures etc they will be able to teach children how to find the deeper meaning of things instead of focusing solely on the obvious. Another purpose of the lesson for teachers is that they will be able to see whether children understand the concept of morals. Students will show learning by being able to create their own stories that contain morals. Also students will show learning by being able to take what the teacher has shown them and use those concepts in order to demonstrate what things to look for in finding the moral of a piece of work. Students will be using the methods of demonstration by demonstrating what they have learnt. Input The vocabulary, skills, and concepts the teacher will impart to the students the stuff the kids need to know in order to be successful. It will be up to the teacher to make sure students understand the concept of morals and what to look for in order to find the moral or theme of the story. Students will also need to know adjectives in order to understand how to look for details in the piece of work they are analyzing, by understanding the use of adjectives students will be able to pick out distinct characteristics of the characters presented in the story and specific details about them therefore making it easier to understand how to determine what the theme of the story could be about. Modeling (show) The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like. The teacher will present a short story on the projection screen, and then will ask the students to read and analyze the story. When the students have read the story the teacher will ask the students what they feel the moral of the story was and once that is complete the teacher will take the students responses and put them up on the board. After the students have given their input the teacher will write down what the they feel the lesson of the story was and show the students some ways that the teacher came to that conclusion, by using certain words from the story etcà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ the teacher will use the method of demonstration in this way. Guided Practice (follow me) The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the trimodal/learning styles approach hear/see/do. The teacher will go through what is obviously present in the story (for example: the characters, setting, what is happening in the story etcà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) once the teacher has gone over the obvious parts, they will then go into the morals and concepts of the story. Students will be required to take their pieces of literature, break them down into what is obvious and then go into the more in depth points of the story ( based on what the teacher has shown them) this will involve the methods of demonstration, drill and practice and tutorial. Checking For Understanding (CFU) The teacher can then use other familiar stories that the students already understand the main concepts of. At this point the students will be able to determine the main concepts and ultimately the moral of the story. The teacher will go around and ask whether the students understand what concepts are being presented in the story and if they do then the teacher can move on with the lesson and have students begin writing their own stories that contain some of the concepts they have learnt. The students will be held accountable for asking any questions they may have had during this time. Independent Practice The teacher releases students to practice on their own based on #3-#6. Once the teacher is sure that the students have understood how to determine the moral of a story and what exactly the story means to them personally the teacher can then have the students go to the lab in groups and therefore find their own pieces of media that they can analyze together. Students will be discussing the piece of media they choose and detailing what exactly that piece of media means to them personally. This will use the methods of drill and practice and discussion. Closure A review or wrap-up of the lesson Tell me/show me what you have learned today. At the end of the lesson the teacher will give a short homework assignment to the students to demonstrate what they have learned. The students will be required to go on specific websites that the teacher has provided for them and analyze different forms of literature, such as stories, articles or even photographs. Students will then have to analyze the literature and decide how they feel about that piece of literature specifically, they can present these ideas in a short 7-10 sentence explanation that they will be required to bring to the next class. This will allow students to demonstrate what they have learned and present it in a explanatory piece of writing to the teacher. THEORY INTO PRACTICE: PLEASE NOTE: This section requires you to use the Comparative Organizers found on the CD that came with your Newby textbook. Open the CD and Go to: Chapter Info and Activities, then Chapter 2.:Theory into Application, then Learning Theory Comparative Organizers, and use the applicable Comparative Organizer for the following section. Which Learning Theory predominates your Lesson: The behaviorist learning theory predominates my lesson. Identify the key factors influencing learning in your lesson. Where are these used in your lesson? Adapting existing behavior- this is used at the beginning of the lesson by seeing if children who are already familiar with the story of the tortoise and the hare can pin point what the moral of the story may be. Teaching new behavior- shaping- this would occur during the lesson, when students have successfully found a moral in the piece of writing they are given then they will be awarded with a sticker or other prize of their choice. Chaining- once children are able to understand the moral of the tortoise and the hare, they will be required to take their knowledge of finding deeper meanings and apply it to other pieces of literature. Maintaining existing behavior- variable ratio schedules- this will occur near the end of the lesson. Once students have demonstrated an understanding of how to determine a deeper meaning in a piece of literature they will be required to go to the computer lab in groups and find their own piece of work that they choose to analyze. Based on when each student has understood the concepts they will then get to choose groups and go to the computer lab. What is/are the teacher role[s] in your lesson. Explain the performance objectives clearly to learners. Provide cues to the learners to assist in the correct response of the learner. Provide reinforcement (positive or negative) Create practice situations in which cues are paired with a target stimulus in order to elicit a desired response. Provide an atmosphere where students can modify responses to stimuli. Provide relevant and specific sequences of activities or learning events to achieve objectives. Establish reinforcers to help impact learning and performance. How is/are this/these role[s] accomplished. [in other words Where is this demonstrated in your lesson? Be specific.] At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will have to; explain the performance objectives, provide cues to the learners, and provide relevant and specific sequences of activities or learning events to achieve objectives. During the lesson the teacher will need to make sure they; provide reinforcement (positive or negative), create practice situations in which cues are paired with a target stimulus in order to elicit a desired response, provide and atmosphere where students can modify responses to stimuli and establish reinforcers to help impact learning and performance. What type[s] of learning is/are best explained in your lesson: Based on my lesson students will have to be able to recall previous information for example knowing how adjectives are used and what they are. The students are going to be required to have a response to specific pieces of literature or sources of media that are provided for them. They will also be required to practice responses to literature. State the teaching method[s] used in your lesson, and, for each, briefly explain how this/these method[s] relate to your lesson plan. [in other words, how is that method demonstrated in your lesson]: Directed instruction- focuses on teaching sequences of skills, students will start by analyzing a story shown to them with help from the teacher, then they will be required to analyze different pieces of literature on their own and then eventually with a group. By the end of the lesson the students will have to analyze different pieces of literature for homework which they will bring in the next day. Drill and practice- throughout the lesson students will continually be required to analyze different pieces of literature and test their understanding. This will be done until it is clear that the student fully understands the point of the lesson and what is required of them. Personalized system of instruction- each student will need to demonstrate their understanding of the subject individually before they are able to work with a group and after when they do their individual homework assignments. State all the teaching strategies used in your lesson, and, for each strategy, explain how these strategies relate to your lesson plan. [in other words, how are the strategies demonstrated in your lesson]: Reinforce incremental behaviors leading towards a goal behavior- the teacher will be reinforcing the main concepts of the lesson until students are able to complete the task on their own. Establish complex behaviors by using simple behaviors already known by the subject- the students already understand that stories are all relevant to the individual, the goal is to allow students to take what they already know and apply it in a way that is beneficial to them individually. Also students have already used adjectives, and in this way they will be required to use what they already know determine what the moral of the story is. Progressive style of instruction- students will be required to begin by doing simple tasks with the assistance of others and then will have to be able to analyze a story all on their own or in some cases write their own story which contains a moral. Allow students opportunity to practice and repeat so that they become second nature- students will be required to keep practicing the concepts they learn in the lesson through their group work and homework that they are assigned. LEARNING STYLES: Identify the types of learners (multiple intelligences) you are addressing in your lesson. You MUST refer to Gardners work [see Lab 5]. Minimum of 3 identified and explained. Verbal linguistic- students are going to be required to do some reading and writing based on their own ideas. Naturalistic- students will have to use concepts from their own personal lives and put those ideas into their responses to the text. Interpersonal- involves being around people and talking to others. Students will need to be able to work in groups with other students and be able to share their ideas and get their point across in a group setting. STUDENT EVALUATION: The purpose of evaluation is to determine if your students met the lesson objectives. Describe how you will evaluate the class. Once the lesson is completed students will be evaluated by having to apply what they learnt to their homework assignment. They will be given a list of resources from which they choose one that they feel would best relate to themselves and that they feel they will be able to analyze on their own. Students will then be required to write down their analysis of the work they choose and bring it to class with them the next day to be handed in for marks that will be used toward their overall English mark. The teacher also has a picture included as one of the resources that the students are allowed to analyze, if they choose to do so then the students will be required to write a story about that picture and how it could relate to them individually, their story will be handed in and graded as well and will be graded on the same basis as those who did the analysis. STUDENT DETERMINED CONTENT: Failure to complete the following for each [e.g., file, website, document, computer application, Web 2.0 program, etc.] technology used in support of your lesson will result in maximum Ãâà ½ marks awarded for Student Determined Content. Content: Hot potatoes- pop quiz on adjectives and themes of works! This quiz will be used at the end of the lesson, students will be in the computer lab and they will be working in groups. Once they have completed that part of the lesson they can do this quiz for extra practice (it will not be for marks). The result expected through the use of this website is that students will be able to understand the lesson better, and practice what they have learnt. Awesome highlighter program- the tortoise and the hare story. This will be used in my lesson plan once the students have determined what the moral of the story is, or once the teacher has discussed it with them. Once they have figured out the theme of the story, the teacher will open this document and the parts that are highlighted will be used to explain how to find the theme of the story, what the kids should be looking for. The result of this is that the students will know how to determine how to find the theme of stories by looking at specific sentences or words used in the passage. Students can also use this program if they choose when they are going over their own passages for homework. Stixy Board program- this website will be used at the end of the lesson. It contains all of the information that students will need to do their homework based on the lesson they have learnt. The purpose of this program is that it will allow the teacher to post the homework assignment online for students to do, and students will have easy access to all of their homework assignments. Also it contains all the documents that the students will need to complete their homework assignment.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 8
A sharp, acrid odor assaulted her nostrils. She had to blink away tears as she held the bottle over the fire and very carefully tipped it. One drop, two drops, three. The fire flared, burning blue. It was ready. The balefire that was the only way to get a spirit from the other side-apart from crossing the veil and fetching it back yourself. Thea took Phoebe's amulet in both hands and snapped it, cracking the clay and breaking the seal. Then, holding the broken amulet over the fire, she said the words of power she'd heard the elders speaking last Samhain. ââ¬Å"May I be given the Power of the Words of Hecate.â⬠Instantly, she found words coming to her, rolling off her tongue. She heard them as if it were somebody else talking. From beyond the veilâ⬠¦ I call you back! Through the mist of yearsâ⬠¦ I call you back! From the airy voidâ⬠¦ I call you back! Through the narrow pathâ⬠¦ I call you back! To the heart of the flameâ⬠¦ I call you back! Come speedily, conveniently, and without delay! She felt a rumbling vibration like an earthquake rock the floor. Above the ordinary fire different flames seemed to burn; cold, ghostly flames that were pale blue and violet and rose to lick at her knuckles. She started to open her hands, to let the amulet fall into the magical flame. But just as she was about to do it, there was a bang. The door to her bedroom swung open, and for the second time in twelve hours she found herself horrified to see Blaise. ââ¬Å"The whole place is shaking-what are you doing?â⬠ââ¬Å"Blaise-just stay back!â⬠Blaise stared. Her jaw dropped and she lunged forward. ââ¬Å"What are you doing?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's almost finished-ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"You're crazy!â⬠Blaise grabbed at the amulet in Thea's hands, and then, when Thea snatched her hands back, at the silver box. ââ¬Å"Leave it alone!â⬠Thea grabbed the other side of the box. They were struggling with it, each trying to pull it from the other. Fire scorched Thea's hands. ââ¬Å"Let go!â⬠Blaise shouted, trying to twist the box away. ââ¬Å"I'm warning you-ââ¬Å" Thea's fingers were damp with sweat. The box slipped. That was when it happened. The silver box flipped in Blaise's hands, sending a spray of amulets everywhere. Locks of gray hair, black hair, red hair, all flying. Most of them hit the floor-but one landed directly in the balefire. Thea heard a crack as the clay seal broke. For one second she was frozen, then she plunged her hand into the fire. But the clay was already burning-not red hot, but white hot. She couldn't close her fingers around it. For just an instant she seemed to see a symbol etched in blue flames, and then a flash like sheet lightning exploded from the fire. It knocked her into Blaise's bed and Blaise into the wall. The lightning formed a column and something shot out. Thea didn't so much see it as sense it. A wraith shape that tore around the room like a blast of arctic wind. It sent books and articles of clothing flying. When it reached the window, it seemed to pause for an instant, as if gathering itself, and then it shot through as if the glass didn't exist. It was gone. ââ¬Å"Great Mother of life,â⬠Blaise whispered from against the wall. She was staring at the window with huge luminous eyes-and she was scared. Blaise was scared. That was when Thea realized how bad things were. ââ¬Å"What have we done?â⬠she whispered. ââ¬Å"What have we done-what have you done, that's the question,â⬠Blaise snapped, sitting up and looking more like her ordinary self. ââ¬Å"What was that thing?â⬠Defensively, Thea gestured at the scattered amulets. ââ¬Å"What do you think? A witch.â⬠, ââ¬Å"But who?â⬠ââ¬Å"How should I know?â⬠Thea almost yelled, fear giving way to anger. ââ¬Å"This is the one I was going to call back.â⬠She snatched up the ââ¬Å"auburn hair and cracked amulet of Phoebe Garner. ââ¬Å"That one was just whichever one fell out when you grabbed the box.â⬠ââ¬Å"Don't try to make this my fault. You're the one doing forbidden spells. You're the one summoning ancestors. And whatever happens with that oneâ⬠- Blaise pointed at the window-ââ¬Å"you're the one responsible.â⬠She got up and shook out her hair, standing tall. ââ¬Å"And that's what you get for trying to sic the spirits on me!â⬠She turned and stalked out the door. ââ¬Å"I wasn't trying to sic the spirits on you!â⬠Thea shouted-but the door had already slammed shut. Thea's anger collapsed. Feeling numb, she looked at the overturned silver box, where she had temporarily stored the tissue with Eric's blood. I was just trying to find a protector for him. Somebody who'd help him fend off your spells, who'd understand that he's a person even though he's a human. She looked forlornly around the room. Then, feeling older than Gran, she struggled to her feet and started mechanically cleaning up the mess. When she dumped the ashes out of the bowl she found some sort of residue sticking to the bottom. She couldn't wash it off and she couldn't pry it off with a steak knife. She stashed the entire bowl under her bed. All the while she cleaned, her mind kept churning. Who got out? No way to know. Process of elimination wouldn't help, not with all those unmarked amulets. What to do now? She didn't know that either. If I tell anyone-even Gran-they'll want to know why I was trying to summon the dead. But if they find out the truth, it means death for me and Eric. Around sunset, a limousine pulled up in the back alley. Thea saw it from her window and rushed downstairs in alarm. Grandma was being helped out of the car by two politely expressionless vampires. Servants of Thierry's. ââ¬Å"Gran, what happened?â⬠ââ¬Å"Nothing happened. I had a little weak spell, that's all!â⬠She whacked at one of the vampires with her cane. ââ¬Å"I can help myself, son!â⬠ââ¬Å"Ma'am,â⬠said the vampire-who might have been three or four times Grandma's age. To Thea, he said, ââ¬Å"Your grandmother fainted-she was pretty sick there for a while.â⬠ââ¬Å"And that good-for-nothing apprentice of mine never showed up,â⬠Gran said, making her way to the back door. Thea nodded good-bye to the vampires. ââ¬Å"Gran-it was my fault about Tobias. I let him have the day off.â⬠Her stomach, which had been clenched like a fist all day, seemed to draw even tighter now. ââ¬Å"Are you really sick?â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm good for a few years yet.â⬠She began laboriously working her way up the stairs. ââ¬Å"Vampires just don't understand old age.â⬠ââ¬Å"What did you go there for?â⬠Gran stopped to cough. ââ¬Å"None of your business, but I had to settle some arrangements with Thierry. He's agreed to let the Inner Circle use his land on Samhain.â⬠Upstairs, Thea made some herb tea in the tiny kitchenette. And then, when Gran was in bed with the tea, she gathered her courage. ââ¬Å"Gran, when the elders call up the spirits on Samhain-how do they send them back?â⬠ââ¬Å"Why should you want to know?â⬠Gran said crossly. But when Thea just looked at her, she went on. ââ¬Å"There are certain spells that are used for summoning-and don't you ask me what they are-and you say those backwards to send them back. The witch who calls a spirit has to be the one to dismiss it.â⬠So only I can do it. ââ¬Å"And that's all?â⬠Thea asked. ââ¬Å"Oh, of course not. It's a long process of kindling the fire and strewing the herbs-but if you do it all right, you can draw the spirit down from between the standing stones and send it back where it came from.â⬠Grandma went on muttering, but Thea had snagged on a earlier phrase. ââ¬Å"From between-the standing stonesâ⬠¦ ?â⬠she got out. ââ¬Å"The standing stones that encircle the spirits. Well, think, Thea! If you didn't have a circle of some kind to hold them in, they'd just-voom.â⬠Gran made a gesture. ââ¬Å"They'd zip out and how would you ever find them again? That's why I went to Thierry today/' she added, taking a noisy sip of tea. ââ¬Å"We need a place where the sandstone forms a natural circleâ⬠¦ and naturally it's up to me to arrange everythingâ⬠¦.â⬠She went on grumbling softly. Thea felt faint. ââ¬Å"You have to be-physically close to them-to send them back?â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course. You have to be within spitting distance, And don't think I don't know why you're asking.â⬠Thea stopped breathing. ââ¬Å"You're planning something for Samhain- and it's probably all Blaise's idea. You two are like Maya and Hellewise. But you can forget about it right now- those spells are for the elders, not for girls.â⬠She stopped to cough. ââ¬Å"I don't understand why you want to be crones before you're done being maidens. You ought to enjoy your youth while you have itâ⬠¦.â⬠Thea left her still grumbling. She hadn't cast any kind of a circle before calling the spirit. She hadn't realized she was supposed to. And nowâ⬠¦ how could she ever get close enough to the spirit to send it back? Well-it'll just have to stay out in the world, she told herself bravely. Too badâ⬠¦ but it's not as if there aren't other spirits floating around out there. Maybe if it doesn't like roaming around, it'll come back. But she was sick with guilt and disheartened. Not to mention worried-if only a little-about Gran's fainting spell. Blaise didn't come to bed. She stayed downstairs and worked on her necklace long into the night. On Monday, everyone at school was talking about Randy Marik and the ruined dance. The girls were annoyed about it and furious with Blaise; the boys were annoyed and furious with Randy. ââ¬Å"Are you okay?â⬠Dani asked Thea after world lit class. ââ¬Å"You look kind of pale.â⬠Thea smiled wanly. ââ¬Å"It was a busy weekend.â⬠ââ¬Å"Really? Did you do something with Eric?â⬠The way she said ââ¬Å"do somethingâ⬠alerted Thea. Dani's heart-shaped face looked as sweet and concerned as everâ⬠¦ but Thea couldn't trust even her. She was a Night Person, a witch, a human-hater. It didn't matter. Thea was so edgy that the words just seemed to burst out. ââ¬Å"Do something like what? Smash his car? Turn him into a toad?â⬠Dani looked shocked, her velvet-dark eyes wide. Thea turned and walked quickly away. Stupid, stupid, she told herself. That was so dumb of you. You may not have to pretend to be playing with Eric in front of Blaise anymore-but in front of the other witches you've got to keep acting. She headed almost blindly for Eric's locker, ignoring the people she passed. I've only been here a week. How can everything in my life have become so awful? I'm at war with Blaise; I've worked a forbidden spell; I don't dare talk to Gran-and I've broken Night World law. ââ¬Å"Thea! I was looking for you.â⬠It was Eric's voice. Warm, eager-everything that Thea wasn't. She turned to see green eyes flecked with dancing gray and an astonishing smile. A smile that drew her in, changing the world. Maybe everything was going to be all right, after all. ââ¬Å"I called you yesterday, but I just kept getting the machine.â⬠Thea hadn't even looked at the answering machine. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry-there was a lot going on.â⬠Eric looked so kind that she groped for something that had been going on that she could tell him about. ââ¬Å"My grandmother's been sick.â⬠He sobered at once. ââ¬Å"That's terrible.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes.â⬠Thea fished in her backpack for the small herb pillow she'd put there this morning. Then she hesitated. ââ¬Å"Ericâ⬠¦ is there somewhere we could go to talk alone? Just for a few minutes? I want to give you something.â⬠He blinked, then waggled his eyebrows. ââ¬Å"Nothing I'd like better. And I know just the place. Come on.â⬠He led her across campus to a large building that stood apart from the rest of the complex. It had a shabby look and the paint on the double doors was blistered. A banner announced in orange and black letters: don't miss the .ultimate Halloween party. ââ¬Å"What is this?â⬠Eric, who was opening the door, put a finger to his lips. He glanced inside, then beckoned to her. ââ¬Å"It's the old gym. They're supposed to be renovating it as a student center, but there isn't enough money.â⬠He snorted. ââ¬Å"Probably because they're spending too much on renovating downtown. Now- what was it you wanted to give me?â⬠ââ¬Å"Itâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Thea stopped dead as she took in her surroundings. All thoughts of the herb pillow vanished. ââ¬Å"Eric-â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She stared around her, feeling a slow wave of sickness roil through her stomach. ââ¬Å"Is thisâ⬠¦ for the Halloween party?â⬠. ââ¬Å"Yeah. They do a couple fund-raisers a semester here. This is kind of a weird one-but they did it last year and it brought in a lot.â⬠Not weird, Thea thought numbly. Weird doesn't begin to describe it. Half the room was empty, just scuffed hardwood floor, a broken basketball backboard, and exposed pipes in the ceiling. But the other half looked like a cross between a medieval dungeon and a casino. She walked slowly toward it, her footsteps echoing. Wooden booths of various sizes were decorated with orange and black crepe paper and fake spider webs. Thea read one banner after another. ââ¬Å"Fortune tellingâ⬠¦ Drench a Wenchâ⬠¦ Bobbing for Shrunken Heads?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's bobbing for apples really,â⬠Eric said, seeming embarrassed. ââ¬Å"And the gambling isn't real. You do it all with goblin money and exchange it for prizes.â⬠Thea couldn't stop looking at the booths. Wheel of Torture: a money wheel with a dummy dressed like a witch spreadeagled in the middle. Bloody Blackjack. Devil's Dartsâ⬠¦ a dart game with a cork witch as a target. And there were witch figures everywhere. Cloth witches on nooses hanging from the overhead pipes. Cardboard witches leering from the tops of booths. Paper witches dancing on the wall. They were fat, skinny, white-haired, gray-haired, cross-eyed, squint-eyed, warty, funny, scaryâ⬠¦ and ugly. That was the one thing they all had in common. That's what they think of us. Humans. All humansâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"Thea? Are you okay?â⬠Thea whirled. ââ¬Å"No, I am not okay.â⬠She gestured around the room. ââ¬Å"Will you look at this stuff? Do you really think it's funny? Something to party about?â⬠Hardly aware of what she was doing, she spun him around to face The Iron Maiden-a wooden replica with rubber spikes. ââ¬Å"What are people going to do? Pay to step into that? Don't they realize that it used to be real? That real people were put in it, and that when the door closed, those spikes went into them, into their arms and their stomachs and their eyesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She couldn't go on. Eric looked as stricken as Dani had earlier. He'd never seen her like this. ââ¬Å"Thea-look, I'm sorryâ⬠¦ I never thoughtâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Or that.â⬠Thea gestured toward the Wheel of Torture, the words tumbling out. ââ¬Å"Do you know how they really put a witch on the wheel? They broke every bone in her body so they could just thread her arms and legs through the spokes like spaghetti. Then they put the wheel on a pole and left her up there to dieâ⬠¦.â⬠Eric's face contracted with horror. ââ¬Å"God, Theaâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"And these picturesââ¬âthe witches who got tortured didn't have green skin and evil eyes. They weren't monsters, and they didn't have anything to do with devils. They were people.â⬠Eric reached out for her, but she spun away, staring at a particularly ugly hag on the wall. ââ¬Å"Do you think this place is all right for a party? That this is good fun? That witches look like that?â⬠She flung out an arm, close to being hysterical. ââ¬Å"Well, do you?â⬠In her mind's eye she could see the world: Dani and Blaise and all other witches on the left; Eric and the students here and all other humans on the right, both races hating and despising each other-and herself somewhere in the middle. Eric caught her shoulders. ââ¬Å"No, I don't think it's all right. Thea, will you just listen to me for a second?â⬠He was almost shaking her-but she could see that there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes. ââ¬Å"I feel awful,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"I never thought about taking this stuff seriously-and that's my own stupid fault, and I know it's not an excuse. But now that you say it, I do see how terrible it is, and I'm sorry. And I never should have brought you here, of all peopleâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Thea, who had been starting to relax, stiffened again. ââ¬Å"Why me ââ¬Ëof all people'?â⬠she demanded. He hesitated a moment, then met her eyes and spoke quietly. ââ¬Å"Because of your grandma's store. I mean, I know it's just herbs and positive thinking- but I also, know that in the old days, there would have been somebody out there pointing a finger and calling her a witch.â⬠Thea relaxed again. It was okay for people to think Gran was a witch-if by ââ¬Å"witchâ⬠they meant someone who talked to plants and mixed up homemade hair tonic. And she couldn't disbelieve Eric, not under the intensity of those steady green eyes. But she saw an opportunity and seized it. ââ¬Å"Yeah, and they'd probably have burned me for giving you this present,â⬠she said, opening her hand. ââ¬Å"And you'd probably have been scared or superstitious if I asked you to keep it with you all the time: you'd think I was putting some kind of a spell on you-ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"I wouldn't think anything,â⬠he said firmly, taking the little green pillow from her. It smelled like fresh New Hampshire pine needles, which was what was in it-mainly. She'd also added a few protective herbs and an Ishtar crystal, a golden beryl in a star cut with thirty-three facets, carved with the name of the Babylonian mother goddess. The charm was the best she could do to help him fend off Blaise's spells. ââ¬Å"I would just kiss it and put it my pocket and never let it out of my sight,â⬠Eric went on. And he did, stopping after the kiss to say, ââ¬Å"Mm, smells good.â⬠Thea couldn't help smiling at him. She chanced saying, ââ¬Å"Actually, it's just to remind you of me.â⬠ââ¬Å"It will never leave my pocket,â⬠he said solemnly. Well, that worked out nicely. ââ¬Å"Look, there's probably something we can do about this place,â⬠Eric said, glancing around again. ââ¬Å"The school board doesn't want any bad publicity. Why don't I run and borrow a camera from the journalism class, and we can take some pictures so people will see what we mean when we complain?â⬠Thea glanced at her watch. ââ¬Å"Why not? I think I've already missed French.â⬠He grinned. ââ¬Å"Back in a minute.â⬠When he was gone, Thea wandered slowly among the silent booths, lost in her own thoughts. For a few minutes there, when I was ranting, I almost told him the truth. And then later I thought maybe he'd figured it all out for himself. And would that be so terrible? He's already under sentence of death just because I love him; it doesn't matter if he knows or not. But if he did knowâ⬠¦ what would he say? Witches may be okay in the abstract-but does he really want one for a girlfriend? The only way to find out was to tell him. She leaned against a ladder and gazed sightlessly at an oilcloth lying beneath a hanging noose. Of course, it was probably all academic anyway. What kind of future could they possibly haveâ⬠¦ ? Suddenly Thea realized what she was looking at. Underneath that oilcloth was a shoe-and the shoe was connected to something. Subconsciously, she'd been assuming it was another witch dummyâ⬠¦ but now she focused. And she felt the hairs on her arms lift and tingle. Why would they dress a witch in black Nike high-tops?
Friday, January 10, 2020
Facts, Fiction and Process Writing Essay Samples
Facts, Fiction and Process Writing Essay Samples Get the Scoop on Process Writing Essay Samples Before You're Too Late Essay writing is an arduous business when you're at college. It is also crucial for students as soon as it comes to English Language examinations. When you order a customized essay writing service, you should expect to get the essay which meets your particular requirements. When you buy an essay on the web, you really ought to pay attention to the scams out there. Some have ideas on the best way to use solarenergy or biogas to bring in power supply. Take for instance, this essay will be successfully written since there is power to continue to keep my computer on. Our site is merely one of the absolute most appropriate for essay help. Marketing your business doesn't need to be complicated. The Benefits of Process Writing Essay Samples There are various essay writing services that provide essay writing help to students from all over the world. There are some points which ought to be taken into account when selecting a superior coursework help company. A student can get online and pick an excellent writing service which provides help in a range of means. Moreover, students that are not confident in their capacity to fulfill the demands of the tutor or don't understand how to get started writing an essay, seek assistance with essay writing online. The ideal part of the five-paragraph essay is it is very flexible regarding the topic choi ce and various writing formats. The body is essentially the center of your essay or composition. When you have finished with your composition, it is exceedingly important you take a minute and read over what you have written. Then it's turn of the very first body paragraph. The duration of the essay is usually depending on the difficulty and number of steps it takes. A synthesis essay thesis functions as the principal argument of the entire paper. Pretending you don't have an essay you should write. In a variety of ways, it's much like the persuasion essay. No matter the situation, bear in mind a poorly written paragraph might give you a minimal score! The introduction or the introductory paragraph is quite a relevant facet of your essay due to the simple fact it states the major idea of your composition. Your outline also has to be split in the same number of parts as your essay. As there's an established structure for five paragraph essays one is to start with introduction. Entrust your essay writing assignment simply to professional writers that are capable to make well-written essay. Writing a wonderful descriptive essay is basically giving an in depth explanation of a particular feature or phenomenon. Writing good compositions is essential in the English Language in the feeling that it permits the student to have the ability to express what is in their mind regarding a specific matter. In here you are going to discover a great deal of helpful suggestions on essay writing process. A History of Process Writing Essay Samples Refuted Drafting a process essay can occasionally prove to be intricate and somewhat confusing for a whole lot of explanations. In fact, all kinds of writing have their own methods of influencing the knowledge of an individual. A very simple process may not require a procedure, but in the event the procedure is complex, requires consistency, contains tons of steps, or there are several opportunities for error, look at writing a procedure. There are lots of processes that you proceed through every day that you are able to write about. Cause and Effect essays are mere tools to check whether an individual can actually support a specific claim. You're predicted to persuade the readers with your arguments, so make certain you include as many supporting academic parts of evidence as you are able to. The facts that you provide should aid you in enhancing the subject so you will want to arrange them logically. For instance, if you wish to be strongly identified with the topic, then you're able to increase the amount of your arguments about the outcomes of an active event. The introduction usually comprises minimum of 3 sentences in length. In the instance of the endorsement letter, for example, it's fairly straightforward to collect examples discover that a print edition of that battery ad with Michael Jordan. After you choose the procedure you need to concentrate on, you then need to earn a list of steps needed to attain the aims of the activity. The practice of getting coursework help isn't very complicated. O k, I Think I Understand Process Writing Essay Samples, Now Tell Me About Process Writing Essay Samples! You might need a fresh appearance to comprehend the way your paper is going to be perceived by the professor. Once more, you pretend as if you don't have an essay you have to get done to pass the class. It is likely to make your essay really intriguing. You simply turned in your essay, and it's okay.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Nike Corporation Essay - 732 Words
Identify a global organization with a multinational presence. Identify and research a cultural issue that affects this organizations interactions outside the United States. Define the issue and provide an overview of how it became an issue in the organization. Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues your organization must deal with as a result of being global. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the results of the analysis. Include the following: Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization. Compare these perspectives across cultures involved in the organization. Describe a viable solution for this issue that could be acceptable by all stakeholders.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦An investigation was conducted where Nike was found to have a large number of cases that involved forced labor or child labor law violations in some of the large apparel factories of Nike. In a particular factory in Malaysia, it was found that Nike was operating production in terrible working conditions for the employees in addition to the forced labor. It was found that Nike had underage children working in sweatshops up to seventy hours a week in unhealthy conditions making their products. Pakistan has a population of approximately 1 million people and it is also an important location or ââ¬Å"hubâ⬠per say for the production of goods that are to be... Cross Cultural Perspectives A money-spinning product fed by an incongruous campaign Just Do It, Nike a global company who increased its share from $ 877 million worldwide to $ 9.2 billion within 10 years (Nikeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Just Do Itâ⬠Advertising Campaign, 2011). A brilliant profit boosting marketing campaign, in which many evoked possibilities, audacity whereas others evoked indifference for human rights standards, and the ecological system. This paper will provide an analysis of Nikeââ¬â¢s social responsibilities, and ethical issues on global production. Concerns as child labor laws, wages violations, lack of health and safety on workplace, and ecological insolence (A Cultural Study of Nike, 2011). Additionally, this document will assess the ethical perspectives acrossShow MoreRelatedEssay on Analysis of Nike Corporation1746 Words à |à 7 PagesAnalysis of Nike Corporation Financial Analysis Description of Company History Nike Corporation has become one of the most competitive sports and fitness companies worldwide. Two runners, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, from a small town in Oregon embarked upon the business with a handshake agreement. The enterprise began in January of 1964 with the introduction of Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1966 the handshake between Bowerman and Knight was made official with a formal written partnershipRead MoreCase Study : Ford Corporation, And Nike Corporation Essay859 Words à |à 4 Pagesthat I selected for this project were Microsoft Corporation, Ford Corporation, and Nike Corporation. Their company symbol which is exhibited by the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASD) and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for Microsoft is MSFT, for Ford is (F) and Nike is NKE. Financial Results of Investment The companies that I selected for this project were Microsoft Corporation, Ford Corporation, and Nike Corporation. Their company symbol which is exhibited by theRead MoreNike Corporation Had A Reported Revenue Of $20,900,000,0001391 Words à |à 6 PagesNike corporation had a reported revenue of $20,900,000,000 with profits of $2,100,000,000 (Keady, 2011). To obtain this cash flow, worldwide Nike is noted for employing 1,000,000 workers in 1,000 factories in fifty-two countries (Keady, 2011). Adding to this idea of worker exploitation, it is reported in Nikeââ¬â¢s corporate responsibility report in 2005 that 25% to 50% of Nikeââ¬â¢s overseas factories that workers experienced physical, verbal, sexual, and psychological abuse (Keady, 2011). In 50% to 100%Read MoreCross Cultural Perspective ââ¬â Nike Corporation Essay1121 Words à |à 5 PagesCross Cultural Perspective ââ¬â Nike Corporation In this essay, I will attempt to present an analysis of the ethics and social responsibility issues that an organization can face when it is a global organization. One of the most recognized organizations globally would without a doubt have to be the Nike Corporation. Several years ago the Nike Corporation came under fire for using child labor in Pakistan and Cambodia to make their soccer balls. Because Nike came under fire for this unethical and inhumaneRead MoreAdidas Referee Kits For International Association Teams1035 Words à |à 5 Pagesà Adidas is a German worldwide corporation that designs and produce sports shoes, clothing and accessories headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria. It is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest in the world. Football kits and the associated equipment for football has always been Adidas main focus à . Adidas remains a major company in the supply of team kits for international association football teams and clubs . Adidas makes referee kits. Adidas referee kits à are usedRead MoreNike And Challenges Of Nike Inc. Essay1349 Words à |à 6 PagesExecutive Summary Nike was founded in 1972 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman. The focus of this report would be an analysis of how Nikeââ¬â¢s manages and delivers its service to its customers. It also looks into Nikeââ¬â¢s emphasis on its product quality and innovative design to meet the ever changing consumer preferences. By looking at its current strategies that Nike adopt and its appropriateness, this report will provide you a better understanding on how consumer see Nike and challenges that Nike Inc. facesRead MoreNike : The World s Leading Supplier Of Athletic Shoes1625 Words à |à 7 PagesNike is the worldââ¬â¢s leading supplier of athletic shoes and merchandise. Within the United States alone Nike has exceeded $3.7 billion in total sales, and they make up more than 47% of the U.S. athletic sneaker market. Nike has been supplying the world with the top athletic sneakers and apparel since 1978. Originally founded as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight in 1962, the brand didnââ¬â¢t see increases in success until they rebranded in the late 1970ââ¬â¢s. In 2015 Nike announced thatRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Dick s Sporting Goods737 Words à |à 3 Pagesan authentic full-line sporting goods retailer offering a broad assortment of brand name sporting goods equipment, apparel and footwear. C. Prospectââ¬â¢s Job Title: Purchasing manger D. Key Facts: DICKââ¬â¢S Sporting Goodsââ¬â¢ is a Fortune 500 American corporation in the sporting goods and retail industries headquartered in Findlay Township. Dickââ¬â¢s has 610 stores in 47 states as of March 16, 2015 primarily in the eastern half of the United States. Founded in 1948 by Richard ââ¬Å"Dickâ⬠Stack, the chain has expandedRead MoreNike Pestle Analysis1088 Words à |à 5 Pages Nike is a US-based company that sells sports apparel for men, women, and children and is a major competitor in the industry, In this paper, weââ¬â¢ll be discussing Nikeââ¬â¢s standings by using a PESTLE analysis, which looks at the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that affect an organization (A Pestle analysis, 2017). The first trend is political find this company in a similar arena as most corporations since the topic effect the management of the company andRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Nike s Marketing Strategy1543 Words à |à 7 Pagesapplying diversification strategy and being successful in diversification is Nike, Inc. This paper discusses Nikeââ¬â¢s diversification strategies and how the company succeeds in using it. Along with corporate level strategy, this paper also touches upon the international strategy that Nike uses. Key Tie-Ins â⬠¢ Diversification strategy â⬠¢ International strategy Nike Diversification Strategy Upon first glance it is not very obvious that Nike employs diversification in their overall corporate strategy. The company
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